Sunday Reading: John 8 42-47
Key Verse: John 8 45
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
There is only one reason why sin entered into this world and that is because Satan introduced it through Adam and Eve. The evil one is the father of all sin and he continues to spread his lies and deception wherever he goes. Once he has got people believing in his lies it is hard for us to be able to persuade them away from those lies. The only thing that can bring them out of the depth of deception that they are in is the Word of God. We must never underestimate the power of the Word of God and we must always strive to uphold it even when we are flagging from our weary walk.
It is Satan that promotes the lust and excess that we are surrounded by and it is he that continues to entrap people every day through those lies that he spreads. Not only is he the father of those lies but he is the promoter of them too. Not only does he promote them but he tries to uphold his own lies so that the deception is even greater. It is little wonder then that so many people are convinced by all that he does because he does it so well. But notice one thing. Each person that has fallen into those traps set by Satan has chosen to do so by themselves. Just as Adam and Eve chose to believe that lie in the beginning, people around the world choose to believe those same lies over and over again. After all, it is easier to continue believing in a lie than to have to admit that we are wrong and then change our lives...
We have God on our side. We have His Word backing us and leading us all the way. We have a sure prophecy, a sure guide and a rock to stand on right now. We do not have to do this all alone because God is here to help us every step of the way. We do not have to fight the battle alone because we will lose ever time if we try. There is no way we can stand up to Satan by ourselves, but we can sure see him levelled if we trust in God instead. Christ has already won the battle and He is the one behind every Christian that exercises faith!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you need physical exercise?
How often do you take spiritual exercise?
Key Verse: John 8 45
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
There is only one reason why sin entered into this world and that is because Satan introduced it through Adam and Eve. The evil one is the father of all sin and he continues to spread his lies and deception wherever he goes. Once he has got people believing in his lies it is hard for us to be able to persuade them away from those lies. The only thing that can bring them out of the depth of deception that they are in is the Word of God. We must never underestimate the power of the Word of God and we must always strive to uphold it even when we are flagging from our weary walk.
It is Satan that promotes the lust and excess that we are surrounded by and it is he that continues to entrap people every day through those lies that he spreads. Not only is he the father of those lies but he is the promoter of them too. Not only does he promote them but he tries to uphold his own lies so that the deception is even greater. It is little wonder then that so many people are convinced by all that he does because he does it so well. But notice one thing. Each person that has fallen into those traps set by Satan has chosen to do so by themselves. Just as Adam and Eve chose to believe that lie in the beginning, people around the world choose to believe those same lies over and over again. After all, it is easier to continue believing in a lie than to have to admit that we are wrong and then change our lives...
We have God on our side. We have His Word backing us and leading us all the way. We have a sure prophecy, a sure guide and a rock to stand on right now. We do not have to do this all alone because God is here to help us every step of the way. We do not have to fight the battle alone because we will lose ever time if we try. There is no way we can stand up to Satan by ourselves, but we can sure see him levelled if we trust in God instead. Christ has already won the battle and He is the one behind every Christian that exercises faith!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you need physical exercise?
How often do you take spiritual exercise?