Sunday 28 Jun 2009

Sunday Reading: Psalm 25:1-7
Key Verse: Psalms 25 7
7  Do not remember the sins of my youth, or my rebellings; according to Your mercy remember me for Your goodness' sake, O Jehovah.

It is often said that if you do not put everything into something you will not get out of it what you expect; and in so many thing in life that is very true in that we have to be willing to go that extra mile in order to reap the benefits we want. How we go about that is often bent far beyond what is true and righteous because many a business person will teach ruthlessness rather than compassion – that is not putting your soul into something but rather your greed.

When we come before God we need to put our souls into our worshipping Him; not so that we forget all others nor put aside our lives but that we conform our lives to His will and not to our own. We could all try our best to follow all the physical commandments laid down by Moses but unless we are willing to listen to the spiritual side that God wishes us to understand and follow, then we are simply following rules and not putting our souls into anything. There is no reason to be ashamed of the truth because the truth will always come out. There is no reason to think that our enemies will ever triumph over us because God has promised us that He will overcome all. If we want to be true to God then we need to be true to Him and follow that truth with our whole hearts and not just because the rules say so!

God is merciful. God is Just. God is true. God is unchanging. We do not have to build our faith on a set of rules nor do we have to build our faith on what other people tell us because we can build our faith on the solid truth. We have Jesus Christ who willingly paid our debt so that we may be forgiven of all our sins even those we did right from our beginnings. We can and must put our whole heart into our relationship with God because He has already shown us what He is willing to do for us. Be sincere. Believe.

Points to Ponder
How much do you put into any relationship?
Are you putting your whole heart into your relationship with God?