Sunday 15 Mar 2009

Sunday Reading: 2 Corinthians 4 7-10
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 4 7
7  But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us;

When you think of God being behind you, what do you think of? Do you think of God as being there picking up the pieces as a parent would after a child running amuck or do you think of Him as one controlling what you do? Or maybe you think of God in a different way, maybe somewhere in between… Whatever you thoughts of God and how He is looking after you, these words written to the church at Corinth need to be remembered by us all.

Yes there are going to be times when you feel hemmed in, times when you feel like there is no way out and that you have reached the end of an alley way (so to speak). Yes there are going to be times when you are utterly at a loss to explain what has happened and why it should happen to you. There are even going to be times when you will think that you have been persecuted more than others, more than you can bear… but as long as you remember just who is in charge and who has the power to overcome things of this world – then you will know that you are in safe hands!

How do we know that? Well we have God’s Word that tells us of the things that Christ has done for us. We have God’s Word that tells us of the things that God has done from the beginning of time and all of the wonders that still lie ahead of us. These are written down as promises that we can stand on, not a wish or a whim that may come to pass. This is not the local fortune teller talking here but God Himself, the one who created us and the one who has promised us that He will be there for us every step of the way… so long as we don’t try run away. If we want to run away, He is bound by His promises to allow us to run away… but if we are willing to stick close to Him, he will be supporting us and looking out for us every step of the way. We are in His hands and He is looking after us- just how much is going to depend on how much you are willing to allow Him to do in your life.

Points to Ponder:
Do you allow other people to help you?
Are you allowing God to help you?