September 4: Matthew 28:18-20
Key Verse: Matthew 28:20
teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
If you ever need encouragement then this is one of the passages you should turn to. Christ must be the centre of our worship for unto Him was given all power in heaven and in earth. That is not to say He was given enough powers to heal a few people and preach and do other miracles, but ALL power. That does mean He has the power to create a new heaven and earth. That does mean He has the power to destroy anything. That does mean He was there when earth was created and will always be there!
It's not such a hard task to keep up with our part in this world – we just have to go out and tell someone about Him. So few people are turning to Christ in recent times, too few are coming in to church and fewer still are giving their lives back to Christ. And then a small percentage of those who do are working for Christ... I can remember my classes back in school when I was taught about God. Not quite what I expected to hear and certainly told by someone who did not have much of an interest in telling us about any religion, never mind about Christ. Going to church, I was told about the bible and taught to memorise various passages and hymns and prayers... But then someone told me of the love that Christ has shown for us and then things began to change for me.
It's was a simple act of someone in my school telling me about Christ which got me interested in coming to listen to the truth. It was not long after that when I asked Christ to forgive me from my heart instead of by reading out a prayer which didn’t mean much to me at the time... I was at an open-air bush meeting when I started to realise just how much sin there was in my life and how I needed Christ to forgive me of those sins. It was then I asked Him for forgive me and to be with me forever more! But what I did with my life did not quite follow these instructions because I was just too caught up in the world and relaxed back into my old ways after a few years.
I needed someone to sit me down and tell me to listen to Christ. That person was the pastor at Faith Baptist Church. I had known Christ was with me, I just didn't take any notice of Him! Tell someone something different about Christ today.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you ignore friends?
How much do you try to ignore Christ in your life?
Sunday 4 Sep 2016
Hits: 1072