September 5: Proverbs 15:6
Key Verse: Proverbs 15:6
In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, But in the revenue of the wicked is trouble.
Too many people are trying to cling to the idea that God will make them rich because of phrases like this in the bible. They hear the word treasure and immediately think of earthly treasures. They hear the word riches and again think of earthly riches. The one thing we have to do when we accept Christ as our Saviour is to realise His riches are not earthly riches – what good are earthly riches if we cannot take them with us – God gives us riches and treasures which we can keep with us forever!
If we follow God's commandments and guidance, we will live diligently, justly and, by earthly means which will ensure that, ordinarily, we gain from this. Living diligently will ensure we do not waste money and we spend it wisely and we have a reasonable amount to live on. This may not always be possible due to everyone else around us and some people lust for money, but that is what should normally happen. As long as we do live with God first in our lives, He will ensure we do have things here are earth too, not vast riches so we can build mansions and live like kings, but enough to make sure we can survive and continue to do His work.
One of the greatest things I find is when God blesses me with things here on earth, I am able to share those with others so others can see that God is the one supplying me with things in my life. Sharing what God shares with you will encourage you and others. Would you rather have a few hundred pounds (or dollars) of money which will last a few months, or to be able to share God's Word with people forever. God makes sure we can live here and continue to do His work, but He does expect us to live by His rules!
That does not stop some very wicked people making a whole lot of money! God may allow some people to get very rich, but at the same time allows us to see how they are getting their riches and what sort of anguish they probably have behind their gain! With God's riches and treasures come no pain and suffering... they are just by-products of what we do!
Points to Ponder:
If you were rich, what would you do with the money?
What would you do with it if you knew God was taking you to heaven in an hour?
Monday 5 Sep 2016
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