September 6: Ezekiel 3:1-3
Key Verse: Ezekiel 3:3
And He said to me, “Son of man, feed your belly, and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give you.” So I ate, and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness.
How many times have you heard the saying “you are what you eat”? How many of those times was it someone who you know does not stick to their diet as strictly as they tell you to? There is a lot of truth to that saying and it is disconcerting to see how many people do give in to temptations rather than sticking to what they should be eating – I know that I am one that does give in to temptations more than I should!
Our minds are just the same as our bodies when it comes to giving in to temptations. We do have many temptations of the mind which are just no good for us. We give in to these and they do spoil our minds. We find ourselves thinking and doing things we should not, just because we gave into something and it has become a habit – or worse, we gave into something and we just want to rebel and do it again!
Ezekiel was a prophet who was being given instruction by God to teach the people of Israel exactly where they had gone wrong and what would happen to them if they continued – much like a doctor or dietician would try and show you what you are doing wrong with your food intake. But Ezekiel was being fed the right stuff – The Word of God. How good a metaphor it is to eat the Word of God! That is what we should be aiming at, taking in God's Word and allowing it to sustain us in all our ways.
God is the one who has designed us into the perfect specimens we are... what? You’re not perfect? Nor am I! But we are the ones who corrupt God’s design and break it down. God has given us the ability to read and take in His Word – we are the ones who choose to not read God's Word. We are the ones giving in to other temptations rather than consolidating our position within His Word. God's Word is sufficient!
Points to Ponder:
What sort of things do you listen to and read?
How often do you listen to or read God's Word?
Tuesday 6 Sep 2016
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