September 7: Ezekiel 12:17-18
Key Verse: Ezekiel 12:18
Son of man, eat your bread with quaking, and drink your water with trembling and anxiety.
I wonder how many times you have been asked to do something which you though “too simple” or “below you”. How did you react? Did you smirk at the idea and put it off until the last second? Did you take the task and do it immediately? Did you just refuse it outright? Or, did you take on the task, find out how you could do it to perfection and only hand it over when the work was done to standards over and above those expected? There are not too many times we do go overboard and do more work than someone expects of you; most of the time we do what is required and that is about it!
Doing God's will in your life can be exactly the same – you can do what is required and back off and let others do all the proper work; or you can throw yourself at His mercy and do whatever you can to do His will. I would hate to think we would ignore His will and go off to do our own things... but that does happen! Doing His will is not always going to be the easy way out either; quite often we will find all sorts of hardships confronting us as we try to get closer to God.
The surest way of making sure you stay in contact with Him is by making sure you read His Word on a regular basis. Not just picking up your bible and reading a few verses now and again or even reading a bit each day, but reading with conviction! We need to make sure we do understand what we are reading or we may as well be reading a novel. We need to make sure we understand just who wrote the bible and just what it means!
Each bible is nothing more than ink on paper, both of which have a surprisingly short lifespan! But God has made sure that generation after generation faithfully reprint and spread His Word over every part of the world. It is such an important part of our lives God has made sure nobody has ever been able to totally hide it from us! If it's that important to God, don't you think we need to spend some time in it, and most importantly, with the right attitude!
Points to Ponder:
Do you get told off for your attitude?
What is your attitude to God? Do you show Him true respect?
Wednesday 7 Sep 2016
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