Saturday 17 Sep 2016

September 17: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 12:10
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

“Why does it always happen to me?” How many times have you tried to make sense of the things that happen to you on a daily basis, much less the things which seem to happen randomly! Labouring on trying to find out why things happen to you can make you feel very depressed because some of those things just don't seem to make sense at all! You could say, that is what this life seems to be about – a loving, fairly stable life living close to God, with a few random events thrown in which don't make sense!

There are things we can analyse and make sense of; If we have been acting in a certain manner, then that may well bring on ill feelings in others. If we have been doing certain things, then others may suddenly turn on us. But why then do they seem to go overboard and carry out more than we can handle? We don't have control over that! What we can do is to ask for help from others – specifically God. And I don't just mean turning around and asking Him when you are in trouble, but really meaning what you ask for and asking from your heart, continually. If someone asks something of you once and never talks about it again, you wonder whether they actually meant it. But if they continually ask, then you are pretty sure they do mean it.

God wants us to show commitment in the things we ask of Him. He wants to be able to show you He can do things, and that you are going to remember the things which He does for you. If you ask Him once and forget about it, you are not likely to remember it when He does answer your prayer. But if you have that prayer on your mind when He does answer it, you will remember it and you will be able to glorify God. Then things will begin to make sense!

God does not want us to live empty lives, but lives full of faith and love for Him. He wants to show us just how much He loves us; we just need to trust Him!

Points to Ponder:
How many times do things go wrong before you ask for help?

How many times do you ask for that help from God?