Tuesday 4 Oct 2016

October 4: Psalm 119:35-37

Key Verse: Psalm 119:36
Incline my heart to Your testimonies, And not to covetousness.

We always seem to be able to say something along the lines of “If only I could do that...” We always wish to be able to do better or do more. When we see the light and find Christ in our lives, we then wish to be able to be more like Him, to be able to get rid of the bad things in our lives and to expand on those things which are good. We also find out that no matter how hard we try ourselves, we always seem to be able to mess things up in some way or another.

That is one of the reasons why Christ has made sure we have the Holy Spirit with us continually. With Him we are able to accomplish a whole lot more than if we try to go it alone... so long as we are willing to listen! As Christians we are often able to see a whole bunch of things wrong in our lives – and that side can get a bit depressing if we allow them to build up in our hearts. Having the Holy Spirit with us allows us to find comfort when we need it most.

But if we are wanting to change our lives to live closer to God, then we are going to have to be willing to allow change into our lives. As a guide, we have the Bible with all of its wisdom written in a language we can understand. God has ensured His Word continues to live on throughout the ages so we have a visual reference. So long as we are willing to follow on from that and not to get caught up in the worldly things around us, we will move forward and closer to God.

Our biggest hurdle is probably our vanity. We don't want to look like nerds, or failures, or to look like we have “let ourselves go”. We still want to look strong and able to face up to things in our life. We want to be independent and allow people to see how independent we are... And in almost every one of those actions turn our backs on God. With His guidance and wisdom we can live a full, wholesome, honest, righteous life that we would actually be proud of. A life which will show we are Christians and show others that we have a strength they are still seeking – that strength can only come from someone who has it. God.

Points to Ponder:
What do you not like about your life?

Do you continue to ask God to help sort that out?