Wednesday 5 Oct 2016

October 5: Luke 12:14-21

Key Verse: Luke 12:15
And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”

A topic most of us never want to think about is when we are going to die. When we are young, it never seems to cross our minds that it may be possible we do die before our parents. As we get older we may see one or two of our friends taken away from us; too early in our minds. But that is the one thing in life that is certain – each one of us has a destiny with death. But this does not mean there is no hope, for Christ has promised us eternal life – as long as we place our belief and trust in Him.

One of the things which still amazes me is the amount of people who are doing everything they can to earn a whole lot of money just so they can say they are rich. Most of us want to be able to earn enough money so we can survive on our pension until we do die. The sad thing is that money and riches do corrupt the mind. When we get some money, we often want more – we keep on seeking more and more ways of making money... just because we can!

When people get to that stage in their lives, they have probably lost sight of what is important in their lives and they are seeking what they think is important. The problem being they no longer have a good grasp of what actually is important because their minds have been corrupted by their love for riches.

Christ told a parable of a rich man who had a plentiful harvest and instead of filling his barn and then sharing the rest of the food, he rebuilt his barn to cater for all the fruit that had been harvested. Little did he know he was going to die before he could even lay his hands on all of that food he had built up! What we need to do is to build up things we know we are going to need. If we have everlasting life, then we need to make sure we are prepared for everlasting life. We need to focus on our eternal needs and not our needs for tomorrow. We need to recognise who supplies our needs and riches too!

Points to Ponder:
Do you have any friends who are totally focused on riches?

What friend would leave another to destroy themselves?