Sunday 23 Oct 2016

October 23: Psalm 16:8-11

Key Verse: Psalm 16:11
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Over 1000 years before Jesus was born we see how God was instructing and guiding prophets and kings as to what was going to happen. He was preparing them for the age of grace which we live in today. He was preparing them to live by faith, living in hope, knowing there was going to be life eternal for all those who simply believed on His name.

But that living by faith does not mean we can believe once and then forget about it – it means once we believe we need to put our faith into practice. We need to not just say we believe, but show we continue trusting because of that faith. Saying you believe someone and showing them you believe are normally quite different steps. Showing you believe once and continuing in that belief again are two different steps. Telling a friend you will keep by them and turning away from them when the going gets tough will not exactly show them you meant what you said. But sticking with them, even when things are tough, shows them you meant what you said and that you are willing to stick with it.

God does not want us to simply believe in Him and then go about our everyday lives knowing we are saved. He would rather we show Him every day that we do continue to trust in Him and obey Him. That is then showing everyone we do have faith in what God is promising for us. We have faith that He will continue to keep us, protect us and guide us through our lives – even when things look like they are getting out of hand!

He wants us to know that every time we need Him, He is going to be close at hand. He wants to try and show us just how much He does care and just how much we can hope for in heaven. He wants us to be sure we know we are saved. He wants us to be sure we know it is forever. He wants us to be sure we can trust Him whatever comes our way!

Points to Ponder:
Could you say that you have never turned you back on friends?

Do you exercise your faith in Christ by trusting Him always?