Monday 24 Oct 2016

October 24: Proverbs 15:24-29

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:24
The way of life winds upward for the wise, That he may turn away from hell below.

For us to look back on all the work that Christ has already done for us, the love He has shown us and the grace He has given us is a pleasure. We look back and around and we marvel at His work. Yet there are those around us that still do not see the light and still do not realise their final destination is bleak. We have been shown the truth because we were bold enough to seek it...

No matter what sort of life we have had to lead, we will be assured of a wonderful place in heaven – so long as we put our faith and trust in Christ. Whilst we may see that as such a simple step, there are too many around who cannot see the wood from the trees. They are probably too proud to admit they do have a problem and how they require Christ in their lives. Such proud feelings will lead to nothing but sorrow and destruction.

We may still find hardships ahead; we may still have to face up to unpleasant things – but we are assured of our position in heaven. We know for a certainty we are saved. We may find ourselves loosing dear friends or family, but we know our place. If they have seen the light, then we will be seeing them again in heaven in a more glorious state.

The Lord is ever present and continues to know what is in our thoughts and what is on our hearts. He rejoices when we do things His way, but I'm sure He is not pleased when we do things our own way through pride or arrogance. The way of the sinner is to trouble, not just for themselves, but those around them too; Greed being the 'chiefest' of sins that takes us far from Christ. We need to continue seeking the truth, even after we have found it, to make sure that we do walk with Christ and not against Him. We need to continue in learning and prayers – knowing that He is listening and answering our prayers justly.

Points to Ponder:
Do you get upset when people disobey God?

Imagine how He feels when we disobey Him!