Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 10 31
31 Therefore whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Living your life for God is something that we all need to aim to do. I am not saying that it is going to be possible because of the very different people that we are – but that surely must be what we aspire to do; to give God the Glory! The very way that we act can change other people’s minds. If we were to go into our church and start acting like we are right and they are wrong then we are going to cause an immediate problem because we are giving ourselves the glory rather than God. Our aim must be to release those feelings and desires that trap us in this world – pride, greed and lust.
I cringe when I hear other people talk down others because I don’t like to do that anymore – I would rather change the subject and move onto something more positive that will lift someone up rather than tear them down. If someone were to come into our church and do something that would offend the church, I am not sure how I would be able to handle that. I do know that God is in control and that when people make sure that they let God be in control in their lives that they genuinely are able to do more things for God. The more that we are able to focus our goals on God’s work through His Word, the more we will find that we are able to achieve. If anyone then stands up and lifts up their own word instead of God’s Word, then they are glorifying themselves rather than God.
Just because someone is not part of our church does not mean that we can then lay into them with whatever we say – one again we are then lifting up our own word rather than God’s Word. God’s Word has been written down for us. Our Lord Jesus Christ completed His Word by giving His life on the cross. At that moment the veil of the temple was torn showing us that His Word was complete and needed nothing being added to it from that point on. Let us lift up Christ together rather than tearing each other down. Let us build up our churches rather than splitting them apart. Christ has done it all already and if anyone tries to add things then I am very wary of what they have to say – God’s Word is complete and that is what I trust.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you put others down?
How often do you think Christ could put you down?