Key Verse: Romans 13 10
10 Love works no ill to its neighbour, therefore love is the fulfilling of the Law.
What do you think the world would be like if our currency was not money but love? Would we be any different? We would still work to earn it, spend it, share it and there would also be many who take it unlawfully, deal in it and even bank it to try and expand it... and that then begins to show us the futility of what we expect money to do for us. We expect so much from the inanimate and yet we ignore people and their feelings. If we were to focus on love for one day would we be able to see any differently than we do now? Well, Valentine ’s Day is upon us and I’m pretty sure that millions will be spent on flowers and cards and I would love to think that the love shared today would last a lot longer than the money spent today.
God gave us His laws in the beginning because we had corrupted the world through our wrong doings. He gave us a very important set of 10 rules through which we could hope to live a better life. Jesus came into our world and upheld those laws and summarised them in one final rule to love our neighbours as ourselves. We try to take care of ourselves in the best way that we can; or do we? Love is something that has to start within yourself before it can move on to others. Christ has given us the ability to love and we are the ones that need to exercise that ability. We have to start with love because you cannot build love on top of anything else. So if we want to start with love, whom do we start with?
Well besides the obvious or loving Christ we have to start with ourselves. We cannot really begin to love others until we get to the stage of loving ourselves. I’m not talking about the building up of oneself above others but rather the simple acceptance of who we are. If we can love ourselves for who we are and love Christ for all that He gives us, then we have a platform upon which we can build real love. We can then know what love is and take it with us. Christians love need to strengthen us before we can be ready for the love for a single person that we wish for.
Points to Ponder:
Are you satisfied with yourself?
Do you know that God love you as you are?