Tuesday 25 Nov 2008

Tuesday Reading: 1 Corinthians 3 5-9
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 3 9
9  For of God we are fellow-workers, a field of God, and you are a building of God.

Paul’s question to the church people at Corinth was designed to make the people think about the station of people in the church. Whether people were lifting up others above their station or whatever, Paul’s words were to make sure that the people of Corinth knew that people were just people! Yes some people have wonderful gifts and can speak with such authority about Christ, but that is all they can do. Christ is the one who has given that gift to that person in the beginning and they are simply making the best possible use of that gift for God’s glory.

No matter what position we may have in the church or society we are still servants of God. If we try to lift ourselves or anyone else above that position, then we are no longer following what Christ was teaching. Yes, we have a great deal to learn from ministers who are willing to give us the truth from the bible, and we have much to learn from other people who are willing to teach us in other matters, but that does not lift them above the position of servant of God. It must be said that the more we can learn about God from them, the greater servant they must be.

Each one of us has our position as a servant of God and each one of us contributes toward the church in some manner. We may think that we are nothing, but a house has to be built with many bricks, most of which will go unnoticed – but we know that they are there and that they are important for the building! Each one of us has a task that we need to complete in order that the greater task can be achieved; we all have to work together in order that God’s goals can be achieved. We are not the ones that give others inside understanding nor are we the ones that save others nor are we the ones that forgive others in Christ’s name, but we are the ones through which others can hear about God’s Word so that He can give them understanding, so that He can save them and so that He can forgive them.

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like a brick in a wall?

No brick will go without their reward from God?

Monday 24 Nov 2008

Monday Reading: Zechariah 6 9-15
Key Verse: Zechariah 6 13
13  Even He shall build the temple of Jehovah; and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule on His throne. And He shall be a priest on His throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
It is wonderful to be able to search through both New and Old testaments and find references that agree in all points giving us the encouragement that we need to know that Jesus Christ is our Saviour. God spoke to Zechariah about 500 years before Christ was born to make sure that people knew that the Messiah was coming and that He was the one that would build up the real Temple of God. We are no longer talking about the physical temples that were built such as by Solomon, but an even more impressive Temple – Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

The Jews from Babylon brought offerings to the house of God so that crowns could be made that would be placed on the head of Joshua. This was to be set as a reminder that another would be coming that was even greater than Joshua. This would not only be the Foundation of the temple, but the Founder of it too. Such glory is a terrible burden that cannot be carried by any mortal because no man could bear the weight of glory that Christ was to bring. That weight was the cross, a burden from which all other men have died, but one from which Christ would raise Himself! The bringing together of heaven and earth could no man achieve other than one who would be able to mediate between sinful man and Sinless God. Only our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God can ever step up to that mark!

Such memories, such prophecies, such reminders have stood the test of time and proclaimed that our Lord would walk on earth as a man and yet would also be the ultimate sacrifice that would pay for all of our sins once and for all. Who could imagine such a thing as God had set in motion, being foretold, being upheld and being relied upon. But all of this would be to no avail if we will not come to accept Christ as our Saviour and King; if we are not willing to have Him rule over us as King. We have no grounds to accept Him as our Saviour unless we are willing to obey the voice of Jehovah our God.

Points to Ponder:
How far do you go for others?

What would you say to the One who willingly gave His life for you?

Sunday 23 Nov 2008

Sunday Reading: Matthew 16 13-20
Key Verse: Matthew 16 18
18  And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

This is one of those statements in our bibles that churches will take to mean that this is where their own particular church started and was built upon Peter rather than Christ. How wrong we can be by supposing that anything could ever be built upon a human other than Christ Himself. Each of the disciples showed themselves to be men of faith who upheld Christ’s teachings but each of them also had their own issues and problems. Just as they did, we have our own problems that we have to fight against, things that will tempt us away from Christ back into the world.

It is Christ Himself who reminds the disciples that it is not anyone’s words here on earth that tell us that Jesus is God but it is the very words from God Himself that reveal such truths. It is the Holy Spirit that reminds us of the truth and guides us through our lives. So long as we are willing to listen to that truth and not to be misguided by man own teachings we will be able to remain in the absolute truth. But, as is the case most of the time, we are led astray by things that sound good and that make us feel good at the time. We need to be careful to make sure that we do follow God’s Word and keep His Word close to our hearts.

That is why God gave us the bible, so we could know the truth and discern that truth as well. It is no good reading all the books of man and drawing conclusions from them if we are not going to compare them with the truth that God gave us. If the teachings of man will uphold God’s Word, then we can trust them. If they cannot be confirmed with God’s Word then we should not be entertaining them. Christ made sure that the disciples would understand that evil would not prevail against His Truth, that His truth would stand forever and was established through Him, God. Peter was just one of the disciples that would carry that word forward and make sure others knew the truth! But that was not the end of it because Christ knew what still lay ahead for Him to do in order that all believers could receive eternal life...

Points to Ponder:
When was your church building established?
God is The Alpha and The Omega!

Saturday 22 Nov 2008

Saturday Reading: Romans 14 19-23
Key Verse: Romans 14 20
20  Do not undo the work of God for food. Truly, all things indeed are clean, but it is bad to the man eating because of a stumbling-block.

Isn’t it amazing how quickly we will give in to things when we are hungry or thirsty? But it is not just those physical extreme which encourage us to give in but all the social extremes in our lives too. When we see someone enjoying themselves without us we tend to overlook the bad things that may be happening and join in so that we can enjoy ourselves too. When we see something that looks like fun we will not give too much consideration to those around that may be offended by what we are about to do because of the enjoyment we will gain. Our eyes become as those of a blinkered horse who does not see the obstructions to the side or the fact that they are obstructing things on either side...

Being aware of the people that are around you should be a quality that you should be proud of and not an annoyance that you want to ignore. Being aware of our surroundings and catering for those feelings of those around us will work towards peace and love of our neighbours. We should not ignore the small things that may well cause arguments and break down the bridges that we are trying to build with those around us. We need those bridges so that we can continue to show them just how much God means to us and how much He cares for us.

We cannot encourage each other by arguing with one another; it is much better to deny yourself something than to know that it is about to offend someone. If we are giving in to fleshly lusts in this manner, be it food and drink or any other minor want, we are saying to God that that is more important than His will in our lives. Nothing is more likely to destroy a soul than to cause offence through giving in to your own personal lusts; that will be seen as a wilful offence by others. If we are in doubt over whether something will cause offense, then we should not go there until we know that it will not cause offense. We need to make sure that our service to Christ comes first in our lives...

Points to Ponder:
How aware are you of others feelings?
How high a regard does God’s will get in your life?

Friday 21 Nov 2008

Friday Reading: Proverbs 21 3-4

Key Verse: Proverbs 21 3
3  To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.

We have been reminded over the last few days about what we need to be doing in our lives, about the Christian duties that we have towards each other. Let us never forget just how important these duties are, not just the thoughts of them, but the doing of them. Let us not forget that we are the ones that have to put aside the earthly ways that surround us. We need to remember just how important these things are because of the high regard that God has for them. To many times Christians rest in Christ’s promise that He will save us if we believe in Him; and that He will because He has promised us that. But that does not stop the fact that we will all face up to what we have done here whilst in His care...

Doing the right thing is more important than the sacrifices that we pay because of the sacrifice that Christ paid for us. You may be asking “what sacrifices do I pay?” If we are following God’s Word, then we are bringing the sacrifices of a broken or contrite heart, the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, the sacrifices of our time... If we are not willing to do our Christian duties with honour and humiliation before God, then are our sacrifices not hollow sacrifices?

It is the small things in life that will bring us down. It is those same small things that are showing God that we do not truly fear Him because we are willing to allow them into our lives on a regular basis. The simple act of elevating ourselves above others is proclaiming our own self-righteousness above the station that God has given us. Yes we do have levels and structures in our society that are there for a reason – what could a teacher do is they were not able to tell the class to be quiet for the lesson? But our pride and greed cause us to lift ourselves in ways that go far and beyond social structure. Our own lack of moral judgement allows us to go with the people around us instead of lifting God and His ways up. Remembering just how important our actions are will help us to remember just how important God is.

Points to Ponder:
Are you really any better than anyone else?
What are you lifting up above God?