January 13: Luke 14 7-11
Key Verse: Luke 14 11
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Our pride can affect just about everything we do, from the most obvious acts of showing off to the seemingly minor act of choosing a position at a dinner party or something similar. Jesus was quick to pick up on the fact this is exactly what was happening; places were being chosen because of the perception of importance each of the guests had of themselves. The local people seemed to have a strict self-imposed order of importance which they expected everyone to know.
We can do this sort of thing in life without thinking and not see the consequences until it is too late. It is only once you have offended someone or embarrassed yourself that you realise your self-imposed position is not what you should have! It may not even be a self-imposed position but rather a sentence or objection raised out of turn which brings that embarrassment.
People’s reactions to that embarrassment are going to be different too. Some will object to your action, some will reject your action and then some will go as far as rejecting you. Whichever is done, we are the ones who have caused it to happen because we have not thought of the consequences... isn't life difficult! God does not want us to be objected against and rejected all the time. He would rather we took a second to think about our situations and acted in a more humbling manner. By doing that we are lifting others and encouraging others. Whereas, by assuming a self-important position we are rejecting or discouraging others – it is little wonder then some of them may react!
God wants each of us to think of others first before we assume ourselves. Charitable acts will get more widely accepted than ways of showing off. Acknowledging others before ourselves is more of an act of charity and love than we may first think!
Points to Ponder:
How much do you argue with your parents because you think you know better?
When was the last time you lifted God up in your life?
January 12: Philippians 2 1-4
Key Verse: Philippians 2 4
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
One thing we are all taught from an early age is to be kind, but just where and when should we act upon this. The answer is surprisingly simple, we need to be kind at all times. This, unfortunately is something we do find hard!
The one thing that will always get in our way is pride. Where there is pride, there is room for nastiness. Being in control of our pride is something we may not ever fully achieve, but something that we have to aim for. Whilst there is nothing wrong in being proud of oneself for doing things which are good, our minds begin to work overtime and start to compare our own actions with others actions. It is at that stage where we allow ourselves to start judging others according to our own proud ways we fall flat on our faces!
If you want to end a relationship quickly (not that anyone should end a good relationship) just try showing up your partner for doing something you would not do. They will soon feel bitterness towards you and a huge wedge is then driven between you and them. Pride on each side will drive that wedge deeper and deeper until you no longer can stick it out! If you, however, were with someone who was like-minded, they would not dream of doing those sorts of things anyway!
Christ came to earth and put aside all pride. He lowered himself to our level just so He could show us His endearing love. He wanted to show us by doing that, He could express His love at our level allowing us to see it. He wanted to show that being like-minded with the people around Him would build up a strong bond. It did not mean He gave in to our ways – far from that. But it did mean He allowed us to see the truth and to have the chance at being of a similar temperament to Him whilst He was here. If we can aim towards His loving kindness towards others and to allow it to grow in our lives, we too will find just how wonderful friendship can be.
Points to Ponder:
Do you mix with people who are totally different to you?
Christ came to show us the way, try to be more like Him!
January 11: Colossians 3 17-24
Key Verse: Colossians 3 17
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
One thing which we continue to learn, no matter how old we are, is that with privileges, comes duty. Those privileges normally are given to us because we have done something for someone, and to continue receiving those privileges, we should continue working at something or for someone.
This does not mean we have to be slave labour to anyone or that we have to do things which we would otherwise never even think of doing; what it means is we have to keep on doing the things which we agreed to do in the beginning! When a couple get married, they are agreeing to have a faithful, just and loving relationship with each other – that becomes their duty. They should not be entering in to any relationship if they are not willing to fulfil the duties which will be required of them.
Children should gain many privileges from having parents... food, love, care, security... their duty should be to continue obeying their parents so they are brought up in the same reasonable manner. Parents have learned a lot more about life than children, simply because they have been alive a lot longer – parents have wisdom which exceeds children's in ways we will not understand until we have learned about life as well.
Doing something with attitude is not going to help anyone. You are upsetting the person who asked you to do it, probably short cutting what you are doing because of your attitude and you lose sight of the real gain from what you are doing! To be able to do it humbly or heartily will show that you are not only willing and able, but want to do it as well. This will please your partner or parent... and God! Just knowing that God is watching should be enough for anyone to realise we do things for God all the time!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you promise and never deliver?
God's promises stand forever and are always delivered!
January 10: Ephesians 5 15-21
Key Verse: Ephesians 5 20
giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
How often do we use the excuses “I couldn't help myself”, or “It wasn't really my fault” when trying to get out of trouble because of something silly we have done? I can remember quite a few occasions just in the few seconds which it has taken to write these words! Most of the time, if we are going to be honest, it is because we have not been cautious enough in approaching the problem we faced, or we threw caution to the wind because we just wanted to let go!
Time is a realm which God has created for us to live within. We have got to use it wisely in order to make the most of it. We do live in a world that is evil, where people have turned against God, looked only within themselves to try and find answers for problems which only God can handle. How can we hope to ever be able to sort out issues which are so far beyond our understanding when we have so many temptations surrounding us?
Far too often we let go and “go with the flow” just so we don't have to fight it any more. When that happens, we no longer are in control! We are at the mercy of whatever passes us by! God does not want us to be like that, He would rather we depend on Him than give in to our surroundings... At least that way He will be able to protect us!
If we want to remain focused on God in our lives, then we have to make sure we do include Him in everything we do. When we become filled with our earthly surroundings in whatever we are doing, we are including God less and less. We may even get to the stage where we exclude Him from our lives all together. But if we want to be wise, we should be including Him in everything so He still has the ability to guide us in what we are doing... so long as we allow Him to do so!
Points to Ponder:
Who would you say is the biggest influence in your life today?
How long will that influence last compared to God?
January 9: Proverbs 18 1-2
Key Verse: Proverbs 18 2
A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.
How often do we stand up for our own rights? How often do we argue a point and refuse to back down? How many of those times have you found out you were actually in the wrong... but continued to fight it out anyway! We are a stubborn bunch! We should not have such a desire as to separate ourselves from others simply because we have a need to assert ourselves or to fulfil a lust for glory!
All too often in our lives we will go beyond that which is reasonable just to try and show others we are better or brighter than they are. We seek to prove to others something which may not be true; just to show them up! We meddle in things about which we know nothing about just to make it look like we are knowledgeable! Have you ever been on the other end of the stick... listening to someone sounding off about all sorts of things and knowing they are barking up the wrong tree... but thinking “what is the use of arguing with them...” Makes you think about all the times you have dished out arguments!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we need to accept whatever people say! There are times when people have to be told the truth, but how we go about shedding light on the subject is what matters. Downing someone just to gratify some glory seeking goal within yourself is not right! We need to back off from and seek and spread the knowledge that Christ would have us to have – God has given us the Bible so we can have knowledge, all we need do is study it...
Those who are not willing to believe what the Bible is true are the ones who are shooting themselves in the feet (not just one, both!). We pretend to know more than we do just to gain respect or credit with those around us – yet what will they think when they find out the truth? Is it not better to face up to the truth in the beginning? Seeking our own lusts and desires is not going to help anyone – least of all ourselves!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you impose your 'knowledge' on others?
God patiently waits to hand out knowledge to all those who seek it!